Seth Freed Wessler

Puffin Foundation Fellow

Seth Freed Wessler is an award-winning journalist and a Type Media Center Puffin Foundation Fellow. Seth has contributed to The New York Times Magazine, This American Life, Mother Jones, and various other outlets, in addition to working as a staff reporter at ProPublica, NBC, and Type Investigations. He was previously a visiting scholar at NYU’s Arthur Carter Journalism Institute and a Soros Media Fellow, and he has taught journalism on the graduate level at CUNY. 

Seth’s accountability reporting has led to the passage of legislation, spurred lawsuits and advocacy campaigns, and forced government reforms. He has won more than a dozen national reporting awards, including a Peabody, the Hillman Prize, and investigative reporting awards from the Society of Professional Journalists and the National Association of Black Journalists. Seth was also a National Magazine Award finalist, and directed “The Facility,” an Oscar-shortlisted documentary film.


Seth Freed Wessler Returns to Type Media Center as Puffin Fellow

Type Media Center is pleased to announce award-winning journalist Seth Freed Wessler’s return as a Puffin Fellow.

The Facility

A new documentary goes inside Georgia’s Irwin County Detention Center as the pandemic spreads.

Bused From Texas to Manhattan, an Immigrant Struggles to Find Shelter

Rogelio Ramon crossed the border into El Paso and found himself with no options except a bus to Manhattan. Once in New York, he was at the mercy of a system that struggles to shelter the hundreds of migrants who arrive in the city each day.