In this article, Type Media Center fellow Elie Mystal discusses the Moore v. United States tax case, emphasizing biases within the Supreme Court and potential implications for future tax laws.


  • Contents of the Case: Moore v. United States centers around a disputed tax bill of $15,000, challenging the application of Trump’s Mandatory Repatriation Tax. The case challenges the definition of “income” per the 16th Amendment, questioning how profits on investments are taxed.
  • Bought Biases: Mystal covers the biased stances of Justices Thomas and Alito, whose preference towards eliminating the repatriation tax are ascribed to their connections to wealthy donors, who would benefit from doing away with the tax.
  • Supreme Diversion: The article criticizes Justice Alito’s approach to oral arguments, noting that he repeatedly diverts from the subject of the case at hand. Mystal suggests that “Alito didn’t seem interested in arguing the law nearly as much as in providing Fox News and The Wall Street Journal with the appropriate sound bites.”
  • A Battle to Be Won, A War to Be Lost: Mystal predicts that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of maintaining the repatriation tax, but that they are unlikely to support future taxes targeting the wealthy. He suggests that, while the Republicans have likely lost this battle, “they’ll still win the larger war against billionaire taxes.”

Type Media Center’s Note

This article by our fellow Elie Mystal reflects Type Media Center’s dedication to nurturing independent journalism that not only informs but strives for societal change.