In this article, Type Media Center fellow Ari Berman discusses the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s hearing of a case challenging the state’s heavily gerrymandered legislative districts, and the case’s possible effects.


  • Wisconsin’s Gerrymandering Problem: This article focuses on the pervasive issue of gerrymandering in Wisconsin, presenting how GOP-drawn maps have established districts that have allowed Republicans to maintain a majority in the legislature despite Democrats winning many statewide elections.
  • Partisan Power Struggles: Berman discusses the power struggle between the Republicans and the Democrats and voting rights activists that has surrounded the court case, centering around the desire for control.
  • Unjust Impeachment: The article covers Wisconsin Republicans’ attempts to impeach Judge Janet Protasiewicz to prevent the GOP-drawn maps from being struck down. However, when Republican Assembly Leader Robin Vos requested advice on the matter from former conservative judges, the retired justices firmly attested that impeachment was far too severe for the situation.
  • A Fairer Future: Berman explores the possible outcomes and future ramifications of the case, suggesting that fairer maps could lead to a shift in the political landscape, as elections become more competitive. Wisconsin Democratic Party chair Ben Wikler sums up the possible effects with his statement: “If the state supreme court creates standards that make Wisconsin a democracy when it comes legislative races, voters will finally have a say in the destiny of their state.”

Type Media Center’s Note

This article by our fellow Ari Berman reflects Type Media Center’s dedication to nurturing independent journalism that not only informs but strives for societal change.