Eyal Press writes that Kamala Harris is touting the Biden Administration’s strong record on labor, but it might not be enough to win over voters who distrust Democrats as elites.


  • In this article, Eyal Press writes about the shift in blue-collar allegiance in the past several years. While blue-collar workers have traditionally been loyal to Democrats, many working-class voters, including union members, have shifted towards Trump and the Republican Party due to a belief that Democrats no longer prioritize their interests.
  • Press discusses how working-class voters focus more heavily on economic issues such as jobs, healthcare, and wages, rather than social and cultural issues. He notes the growing sentiment that Democrats are not speaking enough to these pressing economic concerns, causing blue-collar workers to feel disconnected from the party.
  • Eyal Press explains how Harris has received endorsements from major union leaders, but may not connect with rank-and-file workers as effectively as Joe Biden did. He notes that some working-class voters have reservations about Harris particularly due to her background as a prosecutor.
  • Press reports on the disappearance of the middle class, referencing one interviewee’s connection to Harris’s goal of building a strong middle class. The interviewee had said this resonated with her past experiences, but many of her neighbors now live as the “working poor” and struggle to connect with the idea of a stable middle class.

Type Media Center’s Note

This article by our fellow Eyal Press reflects Type Media Center’s dedication to nurturing independent journalism that not only informs but strives for societal change.