Type Media Center is pleased to announce that award-winning journalist Seth Freed Wessler is returning as a Puffin Fellow. Seth was previously a reporting fellow for Type Investigations from 2017 to 2021, during which time he produced investigations focused on immigration, racial justice, and human rights. During his new fellowship, Seth plans to continue to produce accountability reporting with a focus on pressing human rights and justice issues.

“For as long as I’ve been a reporter, the Type Fellowship Program has stood out as an unparalleled home for journalists and writers uniquely committed to justice and equality,” said Seth Freed Wessler. “I could not be more honored and excited to return to this community of fellows at this urgent time.”

Throughout his career, Seth has contributed to The New York Times Magazine, This American Life, Mother Jones, and various other outlets, in addition to working as a staff reporter at ProPublica, NBC, and Type Investigations. He was previously a visiting scholar at NYU’s Arthur Carter Journalism Institute and a Soros Media Fellow, and he has taught journalism on the graduate level at CUNY. 

Seth’s accountability reporting has led to the passage of legislation, spurred lawsuits and advocacy campaigns, and forced government reforms. He has won more than a dozen national reporting awards, including a Peabody, the Hillman Prize, and investigative reporting awards from the Society of Professional Journalists and the National Association of Black Journalists. He was also a National Magazine Award finalist, and is the director of “The Facility,” an Oscar-shortlisted documentary film.

“In his reporting on the US prison system and immigration detention facilities, Seth Freed Wessler has distinguished himself as one of the most talented and innovative investigative journalists in America,” said Eyal Press, director of the Type Media Center Fellowship Program. “Seth is also a generous colleague who never hesitates to offer advice and assistance to his peers. We are thrilled that he is returning to Type’s fellowship program, where he will continue to publish ground-breaking stories that expose injustice, enhance accountability, and help spur reform.” 

About Type Media Center 

Type Media Center is a non-profit home for independent journalists and truth-tellers at all stages of their careers. Our mission is to produce high-impact journalism and literary nonfiction that addresses injustice and inequality, catalyzes change, informs and uplifts social movements, while transforming and diversifying the fields of journalism and publishing.