The Voting Rights Act is being attacked from ‘every possible angle’ Type Media Center fellow Ari Berman discusses attempts to dismantle the Voting Rights Act, both in recent years and over the decades since it was initially passed, in an interview with Tanya Mosley of NPR. Ari Berman for NPR.
Supreme Court Decision Is A Victory For Transgender And Immigrant Justice Type Media Center fellow Safiya Charles covers Estrella Santos-Zacaria’s difficult process of seeking asylum in the United States in order to escape the persecution she has faced as a transgender woman in her home country of Guatemala. Safiya Charles for SPLC.
This Landmark Case Could End Gerrymandering in Wisconsin Type Media Center fellow Ari Berman discusses the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s hearing of a case challenging the state’s heavily gerrymandered legislative districts, and the case’s possible effects. Ari Berman for Mother Jones.
Ask Brutalized Cambodians What They Think of Kissinger Type Media Center fellow Nick Turse covers the lasting impact of the late Henry Kissinger’s war policy during the Vietnam War. Nick Turse for The New York Times.
Type Media Center Fellow Josie Duffy Rice’s Podcast Makes New Yorker Top 10 List The New Yorker ranked Type Media Center fellow Josie Duffy Rice’s podcast number three on their list of the best podcasts of 2023. Josie Duffy Rice in The New Yorker.
The 14th Amendment Isn’t Going to Save Us From Donald Trump Type Media Center fellow Elie Mystal discusses the impracticality of relying solely on the judicial system to prevent Donald Trump from becoming a candidate on the U.S. election ballot in 2024. Elie Mystal for The Nation.
Online Atrocity Database Exposed Thousands Of Vulnerable People In Congo Type Media Center fellow Nick Turse covers the fallout from a data exposure incident involving the Kivu Security Tracker (KST), a project aimed at documenting human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Nick Turse for The Intercept.
‘He Lost Our Votes’: How Biden’s Israel Policy Is Costing Him Dearly in This Critical Swing State Type Media Center fellow Tanvi Misra reports on the influence of the Israel/Hamas conflict on Michigan voters’ outlook for next year’s presidential election. Tanvi Misra for Politico.
Civilian Harm: Secret Pentagon Investigation Found No One at Fault in Drone Strike That Killed Woman and 4-Year-Old Type Media Center fellow Nick Turse covers the lack of accountability taken by the U.S. military for the deaths of Luul Dahir Mohamed and her 4-year-old daughter Mariam Shilow Muse, who were killed by a 2018 U.S. drone strike in Somalia. Nick Turse for The Intercept.